The Outerbanks Part 2

We didn't make any specific plans while at the Outerbanks (except celebrating Cathy's birthday), so we had lots of time to just come and go at the beach as we pleased. My girls are water babies. They spent more than half their summer in a pool so a beach was a welcome change, but they enjoyed it just the same and maybe more. Cathy and Tim purchased boogie boards for the kids, which was just as much fun for the adults when we were able to steal a few minutes away and hop in the water. Towards the end of the trip, Tim's dad told the story of the great white ape, and although my kids have heard it before from their dad, it was fun to watch Tim tell it to all the grandkids.

I think my favorite part of the trip was that I was able to read a 500 page book in 5 days. I forgot how much I love to read, and given the chance, I will read as much as I can in the time allotted. Another fun memory I think I will always love is running the Outerbanks 5K with Joan. Both of us had babies this summer so I think it is pretty amazing we pushed ourselves to get through that.

I think the girls would say their favorite part of the trip was the beach (on the days the jellyfish larvae and crabs weren't all over in the water), the warm, made-to-order Duck Donuts (please get these if you're ever visiting the Outerbanks), and grandpa and grandma. I kinda wish the trip lasted longer. Going home was pretty lame, but we all got over it and have found our way again in boring old north Texas.

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