He taught me to serve.

I didn't want the day to pass without expressing my gratitude to God for giving the world this humble man, Thomas S. Monson. President Monson has been the prophet of my growing years. I became an adult, a wife and a mother with him as president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. His simple stories and words calmed my worried mind so often as I tried to decide the right thing to do or say. He taught me to serve, even, and perhaps especially, when I wasn't really in the mood to serve. He taught me to quiet the corners of my home so I could be receptive to inspiration as to who needs a call, text or visit. He has been a bright, guiding light in my life, and he will be missed.

I love the picture above because I love how age softened his smile and eyes with wrinkles. It's how I've always known him, and it truly was an honor to know him.

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